
Intelligent foil, meeting room, Kolín

Intelligent foil - walking glass in a shower, Bratislava

Laminated intelligent foil in bathroom in a family house, Marianka

The grey intelligent foil in family house, Nitra

The grey intelligent foil in luxury flat, Bratislava

The intelligent foil INTELIGLASS - window between production hall and meeting room, Nové mesto nad Váhom

The Safety Cab in Bank, Bratislava II

The Safety Cab in Bank, Bratislava

Intelligent foil in the KOVACO loader

 Production of special walkableglass with laminated intelligent plastic film for customers in Vienna.

LB SERVIS Shop – projectionplastic film DAYLIGHT, Prague (Žižkov)

Projection plastic film – COOPJednota Senica

Intelligent glass INTELIGLASS– roof window of saunaVienna

Projection RollUp, OlympicCasino Carlton, Bratislava - eventy

Projection RollUp, BancoCasino, Bratislava

Almon, s.r.o., Colour House ofDesign, Bratislava

Projection RollUp, Police ball2016, Bratislava

KVANT, s.r.o., Bratislava (Exhibitionof education and teaching technology, Pedagogy 2015)

Renting of projection area,Wedding salon, Stupava


The building of company TOPGAME, Topoľčany

Guest House Caroline,Slovenský Grob


TECO, a.s., Trenčín (fair ELO SYS 2015)


Family house, Bratislava


Office, Bratislava


Spring meeting of hoteliers 2015 and HORECA conference Hotel Bratislava


Cottage area Ahoj, Bratislava


LB SERVIS showroom, Bratislava